The Let's Play Archive
Pokemon Emerald
Part #37
Part #39
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Part 38
Anyway, now that I can go back to previous places at will I'm gonna go back and capture shit I didn't before just to fill out the Pokédex some
That doesn't look like Tropius...
It's a Kra-er, Corphish!
Yes, I know. It's a female. Shut up.
It's close enough to one.
It's lack of Drill Peck brings it close but no cigar.
I named it Lil' Whore but missed the screenshot :/
Meanwhile, back in Verdanturf Town!
Old man. You owe me big for this one...
Back to catching shit!
"We"? I'm not sure I trust my beloved monsters with a schizo.
And with that our precious puffball was left to the old people.
It's funny because he's not named after steroids.
Part #37
Part #39
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